POSH policy

POSH policy

Due to the pandemic, a significant proportion of the employees in any industry has shifted to remote work, resulting in an increased demand for work-from-home options. It is important for employers to recognize that although employees are working from home, they are still operating within a “workplace,” and as such, it is essential to ensure a safe and secure work environment even while working remotely.

As “The POSH Partners,” we can aid organizations in updating or revising their existing policies to reflect any cultural changes, particularly in the post-pandemic period. The revised policy can serve as a tool to educate employees and other personnel within the organization about the POSH Act of 2013.

The updated POSH policy will explicitly define the concept of a “workplace,” which now encompasses an employee’s home, and should encompass employees, clients, vendors, and trainees of the organization. The policy will be inclusive of both men and women and provide clear guidelines on how aggrieved individuals can lodge a complaint (via e-mail or phone) while also outlining strict timelines for investigation.

POSH policy