About us


We Are

“The POSH Partners” – we are dedicated to creating a safe and respectful work environment for all.

We are a team of experienced professionals specializing in the prevention and resolution of sexual harassment in the workplace. Our goal is to provide expert guidance and support to organizations in developing and implementing policies and procedures that comply with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act.

Our services include POSH policy formulation and dissemination, ICC selection and training, POSH training and awareness for employees, and annual report and disclosure assistance. We strive to create inclusive, diverse, and gender-neutral workplaces where all employees can work free from the fear of sexual harassment.

As your trusted subject matter experts on all matters related to POSH, we are committed to providing top-notch services that meet the highest standards of quality and credibility. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization create a safe and respectful work environment.



our mission is to cultivate a workplace environment that is free from sexual harassment, where every individual feels safe, respected, and empowered. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to work in an atmosphere that fosters dignity, equality, and professionalism.

Through our comprehensive sexual harassment prevention training, we are committed to educating employees, contractors, and program participants about the importance of maintaining a respectful and inclusive workplace.


Our vision is a world free from sexual harassment. Through our cutting-edge training program, we strive to create awareness, promote empathy, and equip individuals with the tools needed to prevent and address sexual harassment. Join us in building a future where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued in every workplace.

By striving to achieve this vision, we aim to contribute to a future where sexual harassment is eradicated, and all individuals can work in an environment that respects their rights, preserves their dignity, and unlocks their full potential. Together, let us build a world where every workplace is a safe haven, free from the scourge of sexual harassment, and where equality and respect thrive.
