Live Awareness refresher Workshop

Live Awareness refresher Workshop

We will conduct live awareness and refresher workshops on a regular basis to ensure that employees, managers, and ICC members are up-to-date with the latest information and best practices regarding sexual harassment prevention in the workplace. These workshops will be led by our experienced trainers and will provide opportunities for interactive learning through case studies, role-plays, and group discussions.

The workshops will cover a range of topics including but not limited to:

  • Understanding the definition and types of sexual harassment
  • Identifying and addressing power imbalances in the workplace
  • Creating a safe and respectful workplace culture
  • Understanding the legal framework and compliance requirements
  • Reporting and investigating complaints of sexual harassment

In addition to the standard modules, we can also customize the workshop content to meet the specific needs of the organization, its industry, and its work culture. We will work closely with the organization to ensure that the workshops are scheduled at convenient times and locations and that all participants are actively engaged and motivated to learn.

Live Awareness refresher Workshop