What we do

As a POSH consultant, The primary services offered typically revolve around supporting organizations in their efforts to prevent and address instances of sexual harassment in the workplace. Here are three key services provided by a POSH consultant:

Policy Development And Implementation

We work closely with organizations to develop comprehensive policies and procedures that align with the POSH Act and other relevant regulations. Our expertise allows us to create policies that clearly define sexual harassment, establish reporting mechanisms, outline the investigation process, and emphasize prevention strategies. Additionally, we review existing policies to ensure they are up to date and compliant with the latest legal requirements.
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Employee Training And Certification-

We conduct training sessions and awareness programs aimed at educating employees at all levels about sexual harassment prevention, identification, and reporting. Our engaging and interactive training modules cover topics such as recognizing different forms of sexual harassment, understanding consent and boundaries, promoting a respectful work culture, and fostering bystander intervention.
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Investigation And Resolution Support

In the unfortunate event of a sexual harassment complaint, we provide expert support in conducting impartial investigations. Our consultants have extensive experience in handling sensitive cases and follow a systematic approach to gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and document findings. We prepare detailed investigation reports that outline the facts, analyze the situation, and provide recommendations for appropriate action.
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We Are

We, “The POSH Partners”, are your trusted subject matter experts and partners for all matters related to the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. Our group of professionals has extensive experience in providing expert guidance on establishing a framework for preventing and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. This includes creating policies and procedures, training employees and management, and setting up a system for reporting and investigating complaints. We will ensure that your POSH rollout fully complies with government norms.

We are a group of experienced HR professionals, POSH consultants, lawyers, psychologists, and counselors, serving as a POSH compliance advisor body. Our collective aim is to provide expert services to organizations seeking to implement all mandatory compliance measures and create inclusive, diverse, and gender-neutral workplaces.


Expertise and Experience

Tailored Approach:

Comprehensive Services:

The Reasons Organizations Select

Us as Their POSH Consultants?


Proven Track Record:

Ethical and Confidential Approach:

Collaborative Partnership:

Looking for a passionate and

committed POSH consultant?

Our core strength lies in being knowledgeable and current on the Act. We understand, veritably well, the characteristics of workplaces that are associated with advanced rates of sexual importunity, the common characteristics of sexual importunity and the cost of sexual importunity in the plant.

We explosively believe that nurturing a culture of addition, respect and trust in the pool has multiple benefits; Lowered absenteeism, enhanced productivity, hand retention and further

The most potent armament against sexual importunity is “ Prevention ” which is the crux of our gospel. We believe that successful preventative strategies and plans on sexual importunity bear a strong eco system of crucial stakeholders with an unequivocal statement of intent.

Responsibility of the employer


As an employer, it’s your responsibility to produce a work terrain free of sexual importunity and a legal obligation to help and deal with sexual importunity in the plant.